Thursday, September 20, 2012

Hi Folks,
As we discussed in class, you must be registered in order to vote, and you must be registered one month prior to the election. Don't have time? Don't know where to go? Don't know what you need? Well RIC has answered your prayers! They are teaming up with the American Democracy Project to bring voter registration to campus on Sept 25th. Check out the Facebook.

Remember... First Wavers fought so hard because the right to vote is that important!


  1. i actually saw and heard of a lot of people signing up to vote! i'm glad that RIC offers this opportunity, because a lot of people did not know where they could sign up, and were just going to let the election pass by them.

  2. Not relevant to the topic but I wanted to let you know that I will be doing my blog assignment a little later on the grounds of my fun filled weekend, which by the way come out and check it out.

  3. I wanted to make a comment about the class today. Thank you for sharing your story with us, I know that took a lot of courage to get up there in front of the whole class that had no idea about your personal life. Between your story and the explanation of the reading it helped me get a broader perspective then I had in regards to the topics being discussed. Like I said in my discussion in my blog the topic was very dense and I felt the author circled around the definition. I found it hard but then my clarity arose from the letters that were written at the end of the reading. I believe to each their own as long as you don't cause anyone any harm. Like I said I commend and applaud your courage. Did it feel like a weight was lifted when you unveiled that about yourself to us?

    1. Great question Sue- I do this in different ways for different reasons all the time. The interesting thing about the closet is that it never ends-there are always new people and places. I do feel however that it allowed me to establish some credibility with regards to the LGBTQ material. I didn't feel it was fair to ask you to be vulnerable or to navigate confusion and to have certain knowledge and experience that could help clear that up and not share it.
